Thursday, March 24, 2011

Back after travels, and restaurant reviews are coming

Hi All,
Sorry for the recent lack of updates, been out of town for a few (many) weeks enjoying the sights and sounds of other cultures and cuisines. Now that I am back, it’s time to get back into the groove of the kitchen and also to the blog. For a while now I have been thinking about adding reviews of restaurants to the blog and have decided to go ahead and try it out.
Believe it or not but a majority of chefs that I would consider friends are not that hard to please in when we go out to dinner. Usually it’s because we understand what our fellow brethren are up against on a given night.
For me if I can see effort in what the chef prepared, I am a happy camper. No effort and I rarely give the place a second chance. What do I mean by effort; quite simply did they take care in prep or open up a jar or can and serve it. One of the simplest items to make for example is a classic caesar salad, when done with care can be a simple item of great beauty and taste. Done without effort and using shoddy produce shows how much the chef truly gives a damn about his customers. For me one of the biggest pet peeves is when a caesar salad comes with out of the box croutons. To me that is a massive what the fuck!
Most restaurants have bread, and after a few days have stale bread, and if they choose not to do anything with the bread, they are lazy time wasting chefs who cannot be bothered to care for the customer. To me it is unforgivable to show this lack of effort for my customers and usually it is after seeing this that one can generally guarantee how the remainder of the meal will be presented.
In the next week or so, expect to see our first review; going forward should any readers out there want a review of a specific place, please do not hesitate to ask and we will try our best to get a review out for you.
Until next time,
Happy Eating